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Thank you for taking the time to check out my work.
I'm a designer living in Kansas City. I would describe my work as well rounded. I tend to gravitate to an illustrative style, but as far as I'm concerned variety is the spice of life. I love doing more layout heavy stuff, and typography focused work as well.
Execution is relative to the idea. Do what pays off the idea correctly, and powerfully. I love that discovery time. Spending intimate time with my sketchbook and asking questions until that light bulb goes off. Sometimes it's easier than others. Sometimes it feels like a gift given to you by some divine deity, and sometimes it's like digging up a deep tree stump out of the dry cracked ground.
Sometimes design is merely a solution to a problem, and sometimes it is pure art. Design should be thoughtful, and I think those opportunities to think and create is what makes designing so satisfying.
Feel free to contact me through email or any of my other social links below.