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52 Skulls


Skulls embody the human spirit. The most recognizable symbol of life, death, menace, wardship, and our underlying foundation. 

Every week in 2015 I created a skull. This was to explore color, composition, technique and to celebrate the endless number of things a skull may represent. My followers on various social media platforms and Tumblr got a new skull in their feed weekly. Creating and maintaining awareness of the project.

The entire series continues to live at

Around Halloween time, some colleagues at asked me to come up with something to go in this device they made. The UV light fixture senses when you walk by or approach. The sign then activates the UV light and reveals the secret message.

October was a busy month for the 52 Skulls project. I did all sugar skulls during that month, and made this GIF for a Halloween greeting on various social channels.